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$18.00 (Cost includes shipping)
Sample Your Words, See How They Taste is a children's book written in a poetic format for the purpose of explaining and demonstrating compassionate communication. The story speaks to the value of the everyday conversations that significant adults have with children. The book highlights how our cultural values are passed down through the words, the precepts, the tenets and the prayers that are a part of our everyday lives. Little by little, one day at a time these concepts are woven into our lives.
The main characters in Sample Your Words, See How They Taste are an African-American grandmother, Grandma Grace and her granddaughter, Natalie. Natalie gleans a very important life lesson while in the kitchen with her grandmother – how to think before she speaks.
$18.00 (Cost includes shipping)
This book is a collection of poems and art centered around three themes: “Posterity and Lineage,” “Self-Discovery and Life,” and “Questions Beyond My Understanding.” Most of the poems have come from a single thought about something that I have experienced, something that I have heard, or something that I have read; a thought that seems to sit down with me and will not leave. These thoughts often turned into research projects to learn what scriptures say, what science says, what literature says, and what folklore says about the thought. These poems share my perspective after musing over the thoughts and putting them to paper.
Meet the Author
Valeria V. Cordy Cray is a writer, poet and retired educator. During her education career she worked in several school districts and served in several capacities, starting as a classroom teacher in Decatur, Georgia and retiring as Director of Federal Programs in Macon, Georgia. In retirement, she is pursuing her interest in writing. As a writer, her focus is on sharing memories, tenets, precepts and prayers in the form of poetry, essays and picture books. Her debut poetry book was Following A Feather Trail. This collection included the poem Mother of My Mothers which was awarded the Seaborn Jones Poetry Award.